The appeal court quashed the care order made by the juvenile court. 上诉法院废除了少年法院签发的监护。
18.The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court. 在司法复审后,该法院命令调取卷宗,撤销了少年法庭的裁决。
The juvenile court may expunge or destroy the records of a juvenile at any time. 少年法庭可在任何时候删除或者是销毁未成年人的法庭判决记录。
The Cost of Converse Diversion of Juvenile Court& Analysis of Benefit 少年法院逆向转处的成本&效益分析
The young gunman was tried before a juvenile court and sent to a detention center. 少年枪犯在少年法庭接受了审判,然后被送到收容所。
For example, a juvenile who is arrested for an "adult" offense can be adjudicated in either juvenile court or adult court; 例如,一个青少年因犯下了成人所犯的罪行而被逮捕。
It's tragic, said judge Hal Gaither of the Dallas County juvenile court. "if you are a young person and mentally ill, you have to get arrested to receive treatment." 达拉斯县青少年法庭的法官哈尔盖瑟说:“如果你是年轻人又有精神病,那么你不得不进监狱以便得到治疗。这是可悲的。”
It be the duty of the juvenile court to see to the welfare of children in care. 负责管理儿童幸福是少年法院的责任。
Persons under the age of sixteen, tried in a juvenile court 在少年法院受审的16岁以下的人
The only major right that a minor does not have in juvenile court is the right to have the case tried by a jury. 未成年人在少年法庭不能享有成年人的权利是不可通过陪审团审理案件。
The bill require social worker to seek the permission of the juvenile court before take action. 该议案要求社会工作者在起诉前要获得少年法院的允许。
The bill require a social worker to seek permission of the juvenile court. 该议案要求社会工作者寻求少年法庭的允许。
However, in many states, the juvenile court is usually required to destroy the juvenile's court records when the juvenile reaches legal age. 在州,当未成年人达到法定年龄时,(根据法律)少年法庭通常会销毁未成年人的判决纪录。
Juveniles, or people under the age of eighteen, are usually tried in a juvenile court for misdemeanor offenses. 未成年人或者十八周岁以下的人,所犯的罪行为轻罪通常在少年法庭接受审判。
The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court. 上诉法院宣布少年法院发出的照看命令无效。
That principal, Paul Perachi, later became a juvenile court judge for Berkshire County. 这主要保罗佩拉希,后来成了伯克希尔县少年法庭的法官。
The juvenile court has a file on him. 少年法庭有一个文件。
Study on Juvenile Court 少年法院研究
In order to protect the juvenile, we should bring in and set up other new system following other countries, for example, social investigation, criminal record elimination and juvenile court etc. 同时还应借鉴国外的社会调查、前科消灭以及设立未成年人法院等做法,引入和建立其他新的机制,以更好地保护未成年人。
On the judicial system, juvenile court system be established. 在司法体制上,确立少年法庭体制。
To Give Full Play to Functional Advantages of Juvenile Court 充分发挥少年法庭的职能优势
Later, the juvenile court movement spread widely in America. 随后,少年法院运动在全美国展开。
Since the Changing District, Shanghai has set up the first juvenile court in 1984, after twenty years of development, the system of juvenile justice of New China is gradually moving towards maturity and perfection. 新中国的少年司法制度从1984年上海市长宁区建立第一个少年法庭以来,经过了二十多年的发展,正逐步走向成熟和完善。
The independent juvenile court is typical in the U.S.A juvenile court institutions, but for the different state legislation, there are many types of juvenile court institutions. 美国少年审判机构以独立的少年法院为典型,因各州立法的不同,少年法院机构设置有多种类型。
Some relatively good judge no specialized is engaged in the juvenile criminal case, the juvenile court a misfit. 一些相对优秀的法官没有专门的从事少年刑事案件审理,我国少年法庭名不副实。
Postponing to sentence will mobilize the initiative of juvenile defendants, and will make the juvenile court judgers correctly grasp and free sentence. 暂缓判决制度有利于调动少年被告人的主观能动性,能使少年法庭的审判人员正确把握和适用自由刑。
Involving China should establish a separate juvenile law, the establishment of a separate juvenile court case of measures to improve the juvenile justice at the case of measures. 通过介绍国外少年司法制度的建设情况,提出在三方面完善中国的少年司法制度:制定独立的少年法、建立独立的少年法院、完善少年司法处遇措施。
8, the juvenile court trial. 八是,少年法庭审判。
With the domestic sector, a number of theoretical and practical elite has been called for the establishment of an independent juvenile court, as well as the voice of the juvenile justice system, our juvenile justice system in the near future is bound to establish. 借着国内诸多理论界、实务界精英多年来一直要求建立独立的少年法院以及少年司法制度的呼声,我国的少年司法制度在不久的将来必将确立。